
Sunday, 27 March 2011

busy week

wow what a busy week , we got the kitchen decorated and it look fab really brightens the place up .
ive been busy making sock monkeys but still have loads to make , though kayleigh has been a clingon due to her teeth, i can see 4 ready to pop through but nothing yet , she is in great form though. its been lovely out and we have been playing outside

we also made a lovely canvas for the downstairs loo and she loved the feel of the paint on her toes

today kayleigh was 7 months old and she stood for a few seconds , this is were the trouble begins lol

Sunday, 20 March 2011

wedding fair

today the 3 of us headed to ballymena for the bridal fair at galgorm manner, it was beautiful and we have decided we would love to have the wedding there, just need to get the money now. kayleigh was a super star and took every thing in . we had a lovely glass of bubbly and some chips ,even kayleigh managed to pinch one from her daddy .
she love the water fall and wasnt impresses when i want to take her photo

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

early morning wake ups

kayleigh has decided she an early riser much to my dismay , though she is very cute most of the time waking you up. First it starts with raspberry blowing then singing until i open my eyes (we co sleep from 3 on wards lazy mummy finds it easier than fighting with her ) then its a big smile , though today i could feel a wee arm coming around me i thought oh lovely a hug no i was wrong she grabbed a handful of her ouch which sh e thought was so funny .

kayleigh with saddie the sea horse , im trying to get her to have a lie in , it didnt work lol

Monday, 14 March 2011

catch up

ive only got back into blogging as im not that great at writing diarys and things , ive taken up crafting and im  loving it , yesterday i got stuck into kayleighs memory blanket and tonight ive a few sock monkeys to make.

kayleigh is amazing me everyday , we started self settling last thursday and she is now a pro at only taking 10 mins with the help of sadie the sea horse, last night she even slept to 4.30 am in her cot , im glad she still wants to come in for mummy cuddles as i love them , today i was woken at 6.30am to her blowing raspberries she is the funniest wee thing ever and so happy and smiley

i love my funny baby

6 mths now

kayleigh at 6 months and turning into alittle diva


im looking after my friends little boy and i managed to get both him and baby asleep at the same time , im was proud as punch .